How do I add a section break in html?

When I convert html to word,I need page break and section break.
I known the page break is <br style="page-break-before:always; clear:both;">
Is the section break like <br style="page-break-before:always; clear:both; mso-break-type:section-break">?.
But I have a problem,if I use the section break, when I convert html to word,the two sections’ pageSetup are different.
How can I add a section break while keeping the two sections the same setup?


I have solve the problem.The problem is in the html to word code.
Thanks very much!


The following will add a Section Break (Next Page) in Word document:

<br style="page-break-before:always; clear:both; mso-break-type:section-break" />

The following will add a Section Break (Continuous) in Word document:

<br style="clear:both; mso-break-type:section-break" />

The following will add a Section Break (Even Page) in Word document:

<br style="page-break-before:left; clear:both; mso-break-type:section-break" />

The following will add a Section Break (Odd Page) in Word document:

<br style="page-break-before:right; clear:both; mso-break-type:section-break" />

Hope, this helps.