How do I create left hanging paragraphs?

Short of using a table, is there a way to generate a paragraph where the first line is indented left of the remaining lines? Somnething like:

X line 1
line 2

If necessary, tables are OK in main body, but I needed to have left hanging paragraph in my footer. I am using XML and the schema in your documentation only allows Text, Image and Graph types in the HeaderFooterType.

(Actually, I would like tables in headers and footers also, but left hanging paragraphs are useful for things like numbered lists.)

Dear Tony,

We’re investigating it soon and will reply.

Thanks for your patience.

Dear Tony,

is there a way to generate a paragraph where the first line is indented left of the remaining lines? Somnething like:

X line 1
line 2

Yes. [Text.FirstLineIndent]( can help you do that. If not, please elaborate your needs about left hanging paragraphs .

but I needed to have left hanging paragraph in my footer. I am using XML and the schema in your documentation only allows Text, Image and Graph types in the HeaderFooterType.

Future release will allow you to use a Table in the footer. Thanks for your patience.

I had considered using FirstLineIndent, until I looked at your XML schema for a PDF file. According to the schema, this property is a NON-NEGATIVE Integer which woiuld seem to imply that the first line can be MORE indented than the rest of the paragrapgh, but not less indented which is what hanging-left lext is.

Again I want my paragraph to look like:

X This is the first line of text and the
…second line of text is indented.

(Please change leading periods to white space – they are needed since browser removes extra spaces.)

I will try setting FirstLineIndent to a negative value in hopes that is will work.

Dear Tony,

Thanks for your elaboration.

We plan to implement left hanging paragraphs.

Please let me know your expected schedule to use it and we will try to meet your needs.