How do I insert section with document builder?

Document blockDocument = new Document(args.Replacement);
DocumentBuilder templateDocumentBuilder = new DocumentBuilder(_baseDocument);

NodeImporter importer =
    new NodeImporter(blockDocument, _baseDocument, ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormatting);
foreach (Aspose.Words.Section srcSection in blockDocument.Sections.OfType<Aspose.Words.Section>())
    AsposeSection s = importer.ImportNode(srcSection, true) as AsposeSection;

    templateDocumentBuilder.CurrentSection.PageSetup.Orientation = srcSection.PageSetup.Orientation;
Node matchedBlockCodeParagraph = args.MatchNode.ParentNode;

I have 2 documents, i want to insert all sections from 1 document to another at a specific location (args.MatchNode is the location after which i want all the sections to get inserted). How do i achieve this?

@Yajat In your case you should split the target document at the specific node with section break and then insert sections from source document between the section in the target document. For example see the following code:

Document dst = new Document(@"C:\Temp\dst.docx");
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(dst);

Document src = new Document(@"C:\Temp\src.docx");

// Move document builder to the destination node. For demonstration purposes use bookmark.
// Insert section break.
// Insert section from the source document before the current section.
foreach(Section srcSect in src.Sections)
    Node importedSection = dst.ImportNode(srcSect, true, ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormatting);
    builder.CurrentSection.ParentNode.InsertBefore(importedSection, builder.CurrentSection);

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This works! Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: 我怎么给段落指定内容添加背影颜色。

Hey @alexey.noskov,
Just had another question.
The above code, adds a bunch of section breaks in the base document (where things are getting copied). Is there anyway to avoid it?

My Requirement is, I have 2 documents (call it base document and child document), I want to copy the entire child document (with its formatting, orientation) into a specific location of the base document without introducing anything (section breaks) into the basedocument (user should not be able to see anything extra, apart from the contents of the base doc and child doc). Please suggest an efficient way to achieve this.

@Yajat It is impossible to keep different page orientation without section break. Page setup in MS Word documents are defined per section. Please se our documentation for more information:

Got it. @alexey.noskov
What if the child document has the required section breaks to keep different orientation? Is there a way to copy the entire child document as is into the base document without introducing any extra section breaks from the code?

@Yajat Anyways the source document contains a section with it’s own page setup. To preserve these page setup it is required to represent the inserted document as a separate section.
If possible, please attach your input and expected output documents. We will check them and provide you more information.