How do I move a smart object to the center of the canvas? Why is my setContentsBounds method unavailable?

How do I move a smart object to the center of the canvas? Why is my setContentsBounds method unavailable? String tempPsdPath = “temp_output.psd”;
SmartObjectLayer smartObjectLayerNewImg = new SmartObjectLayer(stream);
// smartObjectLayerNewImg.resize(canvasWidth,canvasHeight);
Rectangle bounds = smartObjectLayerNewImg.getBounds();
smartObjectLayerNewImg.setContentsBounds(new Rectangle(200, 200, canvasWidth, canvasHeight));

        Layer[] layers1 = newPsd.getLayers();
        layers1 = ArrayUtils.add(layers1,smartObjectLayerNewImg);

@houdajin please check the documentation pages: Smart Object Update and Export using Aspose.PSD for Java|Documentation

Also, please check my previous answers:

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