How do I obtain the viewport elements of a layout in a dwg file?

How do I obtain the viewport elements of a layout in a dwg file?

please, try if this is useful:

using (CadImage cadImage = (CadImage)Aspose.CAD.Image.Load(fileName))
	Dictionary<string, string> layoutBlockHandles = new Dictionary<string, string>();
	foreach (CadLayout layout in cadImage.Layouts.Values)
		if (layout.BlockTableRecordHandle != null)
			layoutBlockHandles.Add(layout.BlockTableRecordHandle, layout.LayoutName);

	foreach (CadEntityBase entity in cadImage.Entities)
		if (entity.TypeName == CadEntityTypeName.VIEWPORT)
			if (layoutBlockHandles.ContainsKey(entity.SoftOwner))
				string layoutName = layoutBlockHandles[entity.SoftOwner];
				System.Console.WriteLine("Layout: " + layoutName + " entity: " + entity.TypeName + " handle:" + entity.ObjectHandle);