How do I turn off widow/orphan control in the HTML to PDF conversion?
I have attached two versions of the same report, one with a section header, and one where the section header is incorporated in the table header. If you look at pages 13 and 14 on the documents, there is a table that overflows the available page client height by three rows. In either case (with a separated section header, or with it integrated) the table skips that page to start a new page and still overflows. Other larger tables break fine – so I’m presuming that this problem is arising because of a default widow/orphan setting for tables. We would just like to turn off any setting the PDF conversion is using.
AFR Alachua 2024_with_section_header.pdf (480.1 KB)
AFR Alachua 2024_without_section_header.pdf (480.0 KB)