How i get corrent value in getActualDuration() function with day type


My name is dongsoon park

I have a question about actual duration.

Below plan duration function has getDuration(TimeUnitType.Day) function.
double planDuration = tsk.getDuration(TimeUnitType.Day);

but getActualDuration() function is not have TimeUnitType.Day. with parameter
How i get corrent value for day Type?
below code is not corrent value.
please answer me the question.

long OneSec = 10000000;// microsecond * 10
long OneMin = 60 * OneSec;
long OneHour = 60 * OneMin;
long stdDuration = tsk.getActualDuration() / (OneHour * 24);

Hi Dongsoon,

We are sorry for a delayed response.

At present, there is no such method available for getting actual duration with TimeUnitType.* option. An enhancement ticket with id: TASKS-33695 has been logged for providing this functionality. We’ll update you here once there is an update available in this regard.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.