How to add chart Trendline

When I try to create a chart in word, I can not find a way to add Trendline on the chart.
I use this code:

public static void WordInsertChart(string wordPath)
    Document document = new Document(wordPath);
    DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(document);

    // Add chart with default data. You can specify different chart types and sizes.
    Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape shape = builder.InsertChart(ChartType.Scatter, 432, 252);

    // Chart property of Shape contains all chart related options.
    Chart chart = shape.Chart;

    // Get chart series collection.
    ChartSeriesCollection seriesColl = chart.Series;

    // Delete default generated series.

    // Create category names array, in this example we have two categories.
    double[] xvalues = new double[] { 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 };
    double[] yvalues = new double[] { 10.2, 19.7, 29.5, 39.5, 49.2 };

    // Adding new series. Please note, data arrays must not be empty and arrays must be the same size.
    ChartSeries series = seriesColl.Add("Title", xvalues, yvalues);

    series.Format.Stroke.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
    series.Format.Stroke.Weight = 2;
    series.Marker.Format.Fill.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
    series.Marker.Format.Stroke.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
    series.Marker.Size = 4;
    series.Smooth = true;

    //only in Aspose Cells
    //Trendline trendLine = chart.NSeries[0].Add;


In Excel there is a class Trendline, how to add Trendline in Word?
I want this result:
image.png (212.0 KB)

Test.docx (22.2 KB)

@mymbrooks I am afraid, currently there is no public API to add trendlines.

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