HELP...doesn't work no matter what I try...I finally cut and pasted your entire code into a brand new .aspx page...only changed filenames because no source.ppt was available...updated my aspose.slides.dll to 3.1.0...still no throws NO error's my code and source.ppt that I boss needs this functionality by next Friday or I'm toast...thanks. P.
Trace.IsEnabled = True
Dim license As Aspose.Slides.License = New Aspose.Slides.License()
'Set the license of Aspose.Slides to avoid the evaluation limitations
'Source presentation to get the linked picture from
Dim srcPres As Presentation = New Presentation("C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\OSCARPub\OSCAR_PPT\source.ppt")
'Source slide with a single shape which is a linked pictureframe
Dim srcSld As Slide = srcPres.GetSlideByPosition(1)
'Serialize the pictureframe
Dim shp As Shape = srcSld.Shapes(0)
Dim ms As System.IO.MemoryStream = New System.IO.MemoryStream()
'Now once serialized, we can import into our target presentation
'Create a target presentation
Dim target As Presentation = New Presentation()
Dim targetSld As Slide = target.GetSlideByPosition(1)
'Import the serialized shape
ms.Position = 0
'Access the shape as a pictureframe
Dim pf As PictureFrame = CType(targetSld.Shapes(0), PictureFrame)
'Change its link path
pf.PictureFileName = "http:\\\Images\aspose-logo.jpg"
'Write the target presentation on disk.