How to align images inside (merged) cell?


I’m trying to align images on the right side inside a cell/inside merged cells.
I set the “LowerRightColumn” to the rightmost column (if the cell is merged, otherwise the image’s column) where the image is located and add 1. And I set “Right” to 0.
That works if the cells are merged or the cell is smaller than the image.
If the cell is larger than the image, this won’t work (even if I don’t add 1).
If I don’t add 1, the image is right-aligned to the column left of the column where the image was added.
If I add 1, the image is right-aligned two columns to the right of the column where the image was added.

Since what I did is quite a hack, I want to know how to right align images inside a cell / inside merged cells.



Thanks for sharing some details.

We are not entirely certain about your issue. Please note, to position or reposition a picture, you may make use of the following attributes:
  • UpperLeftColumn
  • UpperLeftRow
  • Top
  • Left
  • LowerRightRow
  • LowerRightColumn
  • UpperDeltaX
  • UpperDeltaY
  • LowerDeltaX
  • LowerDeltaY
We appreciate if you could create a sample console application, zip it and post us here to show the issue, we will check it soon. Also attach your template files (input file (if any) and outputfile, etc.). This will help us really to evaluate your issue precisely to figure it out soon.

Thank you.