How to Apply GridWeb to Spring Framework?

I’d really like to apply Aspose.GridWeb to my SpringFrame work…

Could you tell me how to apply Aspose.GridWeb to SpringFrame work step by step in detail?

I’ll follow what you tell me exactly. I’d like to see sample page and the result value of formula as well.

If you have any developer guid book or document, plz let me know…

I have **.jsp, **.js, ** in my Spring Project. I don’t use any maven

I’ll look foward to it. Thank you…


Thanks for your query.

Thanks for providing further details.

After working on the samples to use Aspose.Cells.GridWeb (Java) on spring mvc, we found some server side updates for Aspose.Cells.GridWeb (Java) are required to suit and to work with spring mvc properly. We hope, we can provide you the demo project (with details and update) for using Aspose.Cells.GridWeb (Java) on spring mvc after 15-20 days or so.


We have created the demo (attached) for your reference. The pom.xml won’t work as the next Java release is not ready and is not published yet, so we commented the dependency of gridweb. You may just manually import the gridweb.19.7.1.jar (attached) and then you can run the demo.

Hope, this helps a bit. (1.2 MB) (6.2 MB)


Please try the attached (updated) demo, it will work fine and you should not find any issue. (1.2 MB)

Let us know your feedback.

How can I import the attached demo file in Eclipse?

When I import this file, there is warning “No projects are found to import”

Could you explain how to import this file and run the domo in Eclipse IDE?

Thank you


Please use the pom.xml file (in the zipped archive) after updating it to import the Aspose.Cells.GridWeb and other SDKs/libraries to your (maven) project. See the following lines in pom.xml:

<!-- 	     <dependency> -->
<!--             <groupId>com.aspose</groupId> -->
<!--             <artifactId>aspose-cells</artifactId> -->
<!--             <version>19.7</version> -->
<!--             <classifier>gridweb</classifier> -->
<!--         </dependency> --> 

and replace with:


Let us know if you still find any issue.

Now I can apply Spring Gridweb to my project, but Backspace key dosen’t work.

Here is my situation. My project uses different Jquery Version “jquery-1.8.1.min.js”

So, I comment block some codes like below.

script type=“text/javascript” language=“javascript” src="/static/jquery/jquery-2.1.1.js">
script type=“text/javascript” language=“javascript” src="/static/jquery/jquery-ui.js">

Is this the reason why I can’t use backspace key?


You mean you used “jquery-1.8.1” instead of “jquery-2.1.1” and it worked or not? What is the big deal if you use latest jquery? I think you should use more recent versions if possible.

Yes, it worked but backspace key dosen’t work. If I use the latest jquery, some scripts error comes out.

such as $.browser or some codes can be run in only jquery-1.81.

Like you mentioned, I will try to use more recent

jQuery version. Thank you.

Thank you for the feedback and take your time to complete the tests with the latest jQuery version. We will wait for your response after the tests.

It works for the last :). Even though I have Aspose Cells for Java License, evaluation sheet is still appeared.

How should I apply License code to GridWeb?

Please let me know. Thanks.


Good to know that your issue is sorted out now. Regarding licensing, you have to explicitly set the license using Aspose.Cells.GridWeb (Java) API, see the document for your reference: