How to call Aspose Word C++ API from call out Uniface

My office already bought Aspose Word for Java. Now we want to use Aspose Word C++ API. We want to call functions of the API using call out fonctionnality of Uniface 9.
That means that in uniface we can access to fonctions in windows dll (for example) by the name of the function and the parameters (in:out) by creating a link ( C like) between uniface component and windows functions.
But, in the documentation I did not see any information about the name of aspose C++ functions and its parameters I have to define.
Do you know how to have this information in Aspose word C++.

To get the required information, I would suggest you refer to the official documentation of Aspose.Words for C++. You can find the API documentation at Aspose.Words for C++ | Aspose API References. Here, you will find the list of all the available functions along with their parameters and descriptions.

Also, you can find examples of using Aspose.Words for C++ at GitHub - aspose-words/Aspose.Words-for-C: Aspose.Words for C++ examples and showcases. These examples will help you understand how to use the API and pass the required parameters.

Thanks you Evgeny,
I’m going to read the documents you told me and I will come back to you if I have any question.

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I try to use the following dll
and call the method “Document” (??0Document@Words@Aspose
and my system return the following problem :
Unable to load D:\Aspose\Aspose.Words.Cpp\lib\Win32\Release\Aspose.Words.Cpp_vc14x86.dll; error 126 ('Le module spécifié est introuv
**** The DLL exists but it cannot be loaded. There may be a problem*
**** with dependencies or entrypoints. Check the DLL with Dependency Walker.*
Unable to locate: ??0Document@Words@Aspose@@QAE@ABVString@System@@@Z
*** The application has tried to dynamically activate this 3GL function but could not find it.

Could you help me ?

We do not test our library with Uniface 9, so I cannot provide you with specific instructions for successful integration. However, I recommend checking for the necessary dependencies for the DLL file. You can use Dependency Walker, as indicated in the error message, to verify the presence of all required dependencies.

Hello evgeny,

After a long time I come back to you for the same problem.
I try to understand why where is dependency missing for Aspose.Words.Cpp_vc14x86.dll.
I used dependancy walker and there is many DLL missing, but I don’t know haw to get the missing dll. I try to search for VC++ Redistribuable in the Aspose C++ package, but I didn’t find anything.
Can you help me to know if I have to download a specific Redistribuable dll or how can I download all the missing dll ?

@foster06 Aspose.Words for C++ can be used to develop applications in any development environment which supports Microsoft Visual Studio v143 Platform Toolset. If you environment differs from it, it will probably required to install additional libraries. Aspose.Words package does not provide these packages, since environments might be different.