How to catch a password protected pdf?

Hi, I am trying to identify a password protected file. When we create a document object it throws an error for a password protected file. How can we beforehand identify if it is password protected ?!


Would you kindly share your sample PDF document for our reference as well? We will investigate this case and address it accordingly.

Get_Started_With_Smallpdf - Corrupted.pdf (50.7 KB)
sample-protected.pdf (7.3 KB)

Uploaded is the password protected file. I was able to find a solution for the password protected file.
We were able to identify the protected file using the isencrypted flag.

However, do we have any such flag for corrupted pdf files ?! I have attached both files.
Please guide.


Please try to use below code snippet in order to determine whether a PDF document is invalid:

using (var pdfFileInfo = new Facades.PdfFileInfo(@"Corrupted.pdf"))
    if (!pdfFileInfo.IsPdfFile)
        Console.WriteLine("The given PDF content is invalid or encrypted.");