How to clean up event listeners in gridjs-spreadsheet

In our application, a spreadsheet may be opened and closed by a user multiple times. We also allow multiple spreadsheets to be open on a given page at the same time.

I’ve noticed that after removing the spreadsheet from the DOM (by unmounting the enclosing React component), the event listeners for gridjs-spreadsheet are still on the window:

image.png (17.9 KB)

I’m not sure if this has any negative effects in practice, but it doesn’t seem right that there are listeners for a component that no longer exists.

Is there a way to clean up these listeners? For example, a function on spreadsheet like spreadsheet.destory()?

We’ve evaluated it and your suggestion is fine.
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We have add xs.destory() method to kill all binded event.
Please update to v23.5 ;
you need to update for both server side GridJs dll through nuget package and client side js through npmjs.

@peter.zhou I just realised I had a typo in my suggestion. I meant to say “destroy”, not “destory”. Can you update the function?

Also, looks like one of the functions is still bound to resize:

          _onResize: function _onResize() {


We will change xs.destory() method --> xs.destroy().

We will evaluate it soon.