How to compare two PDF


Currently I am using Aspose.Words to compare two PDF documents using below code.

Document baselineDoc = new Document(baselinePdfPath);
Document generatedDoc = new Document(generatedPdfPath);

// There should be no revisions before comparison

baselineDoc.Compare(generatedDoc, "Reports PDF Comparison", DateTime.Now);

if (baselineDoc.Revisions.Count.Equals(0))
    logger.Debug("Both PDF's matches");
    return true;
    string filePath = Path.Combine(outputFilePath, string.Concat(outputFileName, ".pdf"));
    logger.Debug($"There is a mismatch between the PDF's, the differences is saved in the file - {filePath}");
    return false;

We have Aspose.Total license. Wanted to check is there other ways to compare two PDF documents for equality and print/highlight the differences.



Unfortunately, Aspose.PDF does not support the PDF comparison feature. We logged this feature request as PDFNET-38669 in our issue tracking system. However, you can please check the document comparison API of GroupDocs, a venture of Aspose.


Just wanted to check on the updates of the feature PDFNET-38669.


Regretfully, no progress has been made towards ticket implementation. We will surely inform you once there are any updates. We apologize for the inconvenience.