How to configure Aspose Cells with Tomcat9?

How to configure Aspose Cells with Tomcat9? How to do it.


There is no configuration/settings using Aspose.Cells for Java with tomcat9. It should be same as you do use any other Library/JAR with tomcat. All you need to do is put the Aspose.Cells.Jar file into “lib” folder and restart tomcat server. However the signed jars (Aspose JARS are signed) placed in “lib ” directory makes the tomcat startup process slow. Do you find tomcat server starts slowly? If so, you can skip Aspose Jars scanning, you have to modify file to change the option “tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanFilter.jars” accordingly for the purpose.

Thanks a lot for your reply

We are trying to integrate Aspose with Tomcat 9 so that it can be used by other servers. Unzipped it got two zip files – unzipped it got a folder with lib ,doc php folder

Which file should i copy to lib aspose\JDK 1.6\aspose-cells-21.8-java\lib\aspose-cells-21.8.jar


Since you are using Aspose.Cells for Java library, please use/copy the following JARs from lib folder (in the zipped archive “” to lib folder of tomcat:

Moreover, if you want to use JSP/Servlets GridWeb (Java) control in your project, then you may use the relevant JARs in the lib folder of “”.