How to copy text with formating from the Range to rich text box?

Thanks for your request. It is difficult to promise you something at this stage. Our developers will analyze the issue and provide you more information.
Best regards,

Hi Alexey,

Thank you for the reply. I just want to emphasize that it is very important for us. I am from Algotec company (that is part of Carestream company). Currently we are using the aspose for word to pdf conversion and now we also want to use aspose instead of word on server side.
We are going to release our next version during this month. This issue is critical for us to make a final decision whether we indeed can switch to use aspose or to stay with word.
I would like to know if you perhaps have an estimation when you can give me an answer for how much time will take to resolve this issue.


Hi Alexey again,

I am sorry to bother but it is very important for us to get this estimation.

Hi Stanislav,
Thanks for your request. Unfortunately, as I mentioned earlier, I cannot provide you any estimate regarding the issue before our developers analyze of this issue. Once the issue is analyzed we will immediately provide you more information.
Best regards,

Thank you Alexey,

I completely understand that you cant tell me when this issue will be fixed before developers finish to analyze it. But my question was for your opinion how much time will take to finish analyze it? Are we talking about several days? several weeks? It is very important because we must to decide now whether we are going to switch to aspose in our current version.


Thank you for your inquiry.
We produce a release every 4-5 weeks. In late April we released version 10.0. Hence the next release will be only in late May - early June. And unfortunately I can not promise you that the fix enters into this release. I will add your request in my monthly report, it will increase the priority of the task. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you,

So in this case maybe you can tell me how much time will take till you will know whether the fix of this issue will be in the next release or not?
Or maybe you can release for us dll that will contain fix for this issue only (before release)? I am asking that because i remember that we had a problem with converting word to pdf and aspose just sent fix for us in several days.


Hi Stanislav,
Thanks for your request. Please expect a reply before the next hotfix (within 5-7 weeks). We can just fix the problem by then or provide you more information.
Also, you should note that RTF document produced by Aspose.Words looks fine in MS Word. Only RichTextBox does not show it properly. So this might be a bug in RichTextBox.
In addition, I found a simple workaround of the issue. Please try using the following code:

Document doc = new Document(@"Test001\in.doc");
Node[] paragraphs = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Paragraph, true).ToArray();
foreach(Paragraph paragraph in paragraphs)
    if (paragraph.IsListItem)
        paragraph.ListFormat.ListLevel.Font.Name = paragraph.ParagraphBreakFont.Name;
        paragraph.ListFormat.ListLevel.Font.Size = paragraph.ParagraphBreakFont.Size;
        paragraph.ListFormat.ListLevel.Font.Bold = paragraph.ParagraphBreakFont.Bold;
        paragraph.ListFormat.ListLevel.Font.Italic = paragraph.ParagraphBreakFont.Italic;
        paragraph.ListFormat.ListLevel.Font.Color = paragraph.ParagraphBreakFont.Color;

Hope this helps.
Best regards,

Hello Alexey,

First of all thank you for help. You are doing really great job. The workaround that you provided solved part of the problem. But pay attention that font are still different between word and aspose rtf conversion.

I am attaching document.

First section as it was converted by rich text box when i used word (FormatedText property)
Second section as it was converted by rich text box when i used Aspose.
Third section as it was converted by rich text box when i used Aspose with workaround. As you can see text underline now is thiner then in original text although it was fine before workaround.

Hello Alexey,

First of all thank you for help. You are doing really great job. The workaround that you provided solved part of the problem. But pay attention that font are still different between word and aspose rtf conversion.

I am attaching document.

First section as it was converted by rich text box when i used word (FormatedText property)
Second section as it was converted by rich text box when i used Aspose.
Third section as it was converted by rich text box when i used Aspose with workaround. As you can see text underline now is thiner then in original text although it was fine before workaround.

I talked to my bosses and they ask me to check with you whether it is possible to make conference call between you and them?

Thank you very much,

Hi Stanislav,
Thank you for additional information. Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the problem with font on my side. I tested the workaround on the document you have attached earlier and as I can see font is the same as in the original DOC file.
We do not provide technical support over the phone.
Best regards,

Hi Alexey,

Unfortunately i found additional problem with rtf converting.

When i am using the same code again

RichTextBox rt = new RichTextBox();
rt.Rtf = getString(BookmarkContent, SaveFormat.Rtf);

picture that was in document disappeared. When i am using Word FormatedText property to copy document content to rich text box it works fine.

Document attached.

Hi Stanislav,
Thank you for reporting this problem to us. I managed to reproduce the problem on my side. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue. The problem is planned to be fixed in the next version of Aspose.Words. You will be notified as soon as it is resolved.
Best regards,

Again, thank you very much for your help.


Hi Alexey,

I talked to my bosses again and they asked again to see if there is an option to make phone conversation with yours product manager (or somebody else that in charge of product) to see when we can get answers to all problems (it not suppose to be technical conversation). It is problematic to wait till end of May because we must make decision now. The conversation will be done by my bosses and not by me.


Hi Stanislav,
Thank you for considering to use Aspose.Words in your solution. Using Aspose.Words to replace MS Word automation is one of the core concepts of the Aspose.Words strategy. We definitely want our customers to succeed with using Aspose.Words for this purpose.
One of the most important reasons Aspose.Words can be used to replace MS Word automation is the fidelity of conversions and rendering that Aspose.Words provides. E.g. Aspose.Words tries to convert documents in exactly the same way as MS Word would have done that.
But one inherent issue that is always around in this area is that it is difficult to guarantee 100% same behavior on all documents you can encounter. The Word document formats are complex and both the formats and the rendering behavior of MS Word is full of quirks that they have accummulated over the 25 years of MS Word history.
At Aspose.Words we have already achieved the fidelity far beyond of any competitors and we spend a lot of effort to improve this even further, there is always a possibility that some documents will not convert exactly like MS Word does. We will endeavor to resolve such issues, but we do not guarantee particular timeframes.
Before you proceed with Aspose.Words I would recommend you try it on as many documents you and your customers will need to process as possible. Then you can have a better picture of how many fidelity differences you have and how serious they are to you and to your customers.
If you and your customers absolutely cannot live with any formatting loss, then it is probably in your best interests not to proceed with Aspose.Words right now. You might be able to come back in several months time, for example when you have next major release of your solution to see if Aspose.Words fidelity level has increased enough to satisfy your needs.
As for the issues you reported:
WORDSNET-26683 - Labels of list show incorrect when open generated rtf document in WordPad
This has not been analyzed yet, but it will be done today.
WORDSNET-24062 - Images are invisible in WordPad when open RTF produced by AW.
This has been analyzed as follows:
When MS Word saves an image to RTF format it produces two control words shppict and nonshppict (for backward compatiblity). AW does the same but the difference is that MSWord saves picture as WMF (wmetafile8) in nonshppict section while AW emits jpegblip for both sppict and nonshppict.
Since WordPad and some other readers doesn’t understand jpegblip the image gets ignored.

It seems that we need to pack JPEG to WMF in order to be compatible with WordPad, OpenOffice and other readers.
It is scheduled for implementation in 10.1 and release end of May.
But please review my explanation of fidelity problems above. What I am worried about is that you from time to time continue experiencing these issues. And if every such issue will be as critical to you as these two, then it might create a lot of problems for you and four us.

Just to let you know 26683 will also be included in 10.1 end of May. The problem is due to Aspose.Words not writing a completely expanded list label formatting to RTF and the “old readers” like in WordPad rely on it to display list labels properly.

Hi, Roman,

Thank you very much for reply. I forwarded your answer to my bosses.

Thank you,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 24062;26683) have been fixed in this .NET update and in this Java update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.

It is a great news!! Thank you!
I will perform the testing later this week.

Thank you,