How to Create Column Stacked Chart

How to create Column Stacked Chart in MVC .net. Please give the coding.

Hi Arijit,

Thanks for your inquiry. Please refer to the following article and use the ChartType enumeration according to your requirement in DocumentBuilder.InsertChart method.

Working with Charts

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
// Insert Area chart.
Shape shape = builder.InsertChart(ChartType.AreaStacked, 432, 252);
Chart chart = shape.Chart;
// Use this overload to add series to any type of Area, Radar and Stock charts.
chart.Series.Add("AW Series 1", new DateTime[] {
new DateTime(2002, 05, 01),
new DateTime(2002, 06, 01),
new DateTime(2002, 07, 01),
new DateTime(2002, 08, 01),
new DateTime(2002, 09, 01)}, new double[] { 32, 32, 28, 12, 15 });
doc.Save(MyDir + "Out v16.7.0.docx");