How to decrease the virtual memory of ASPOSE Pdf Kit in .NET4.0


we have followed the below blog to decrease the memory consumed by the PdfKit( of NET3.5 version using in .NET 4.0 framework.

we are able to reduce the memory consumed by the ASPOSE Pdf kit in .Net 4.0 successfully, but we are not able to reduce Virtual memory.

Please guide us in how to reduce the virtual memory for precess when we used Pdf kit.

Is there any preformence overhead by using functions like EmptyWorkingSet/ SetProcessWorkingSetSize methods.

Thanks in advance,


Hi Srihari,

Please let me share some details regarding the situation. As you might have noticed, in the thread you’re referring to, we had suggested the customer to reduce the memory utilization in order to avoid higher memory utilization or the ‘Out Of Memory’ exception. However, I would like to share that there is always a trade-off between memory utilization and performance; some times it is minor and some times it is quite noticeable, and it depends upon the personal choice according to the situation. Although, Aspose.Pdf.Kit tries to make the best possible utilization of the resources, but then again, the large files and complex file structures might cause higher memory utilization.

However, if you decrease the physical memory utilization, the virtual memory utilization might increase accordingly; and if you further want to reduce the virtual memory utilization, I’m afraid, it might effect the performance. Nevertheless, if you still want to reduce the virtual memory utilization manually or using some .NET language that is solely related to the Operating System or the .NET Framework; so, you might post a related query in the MSDN forums for further assistance. I’m afraid, Aspose.Pdf.Kit won’t be able to do this.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience. If you have any further questions, please do let us know.