How to define Border or Frame for header in excel document


I have to convert an excel file to pdf, so I’m using aspose.Cells

During this process i have to set an header with border lines.

I just suceed to set the text, font and color using:

doc.Worksheets(sheetIdx).PageSetup.SetHeader(1, “&”“Arial,Bold”"&16&KFF0000" & sLibelleStatut)

But I don’t find how to set a border or a frame around this text.

If someone can help me…

Best regards,

Hi Christophe,

Thanks for using Aspose.Cells.

Please create your excel file with desired header with border lines and frame etc manually using Microsoft Excel and post it here for our investigation. We will look into it and provide you a sample code to achieve the same thing via Aspose.Cells. Thanks for your cooperation.


I’m not sure to understand.
The fact is that i have to programatically add a header such as “Validated” on a basic excel document.



Thanks for considering Aspose.Cells.

We have checked your requested feature in Microsoft Excel and found that Microsoft Excel does not support it. You cannot add borders around the header or footer. However, you can set its font, color, boldness etc.

So if some feature is not supported by Microsoft Excel, it will automatically be not supported by Aspose.Cells. Thanks for your understanding.

Thanks for your quick reply.