How to detect office restrict edition mode

Is there any way to detect the word is on restrict editing mode without password

I need to tell user who set the word as restrict edition but forget to set password.


Can you please provide more details about the specific version of Aspose.Words you are using and the context in which you want to detect the restricted editing mode?

like the picture, I need to know the user forget about step 3. start enforrcement.

The version is:24.2

the word:

680333683080560640 (1).docx (329.9 KB)

@GusGus You can get document protection type using Document.ProtectionType property. but in your document protection is not enforced:

<w:documentProtection w:edit="readOnly" w:formatting="1" w:enforcement="0"/>

So the property returns NoProtection, since the document is not actually protected and does not have any restrictions.

Is there any way let me know the user turn on the resticting but enfocrement is off?

@GusGus No, unfortunately, there is no way to achieve this. Document.ProtectionType property returns the actual document protection type, so if protection is not enforced, the property returns NoProtection.