How to disable automatic data conversions when creating workbook?

When workbook is created from csv spreadsheet containing large numbers, automatic data conversion is performed to scientific notation and also leading zeros are remove which result in data loss.

e.g. value in spreadsheet cell of 0804234324234423223 is converted to 8.04234E+18 with a string representation of 8042343242344230000.

Therefore unwanted data modification is taking place when creating a workbook resulting in data loss.
When opening a csv file in Excel I get a popup with a question if I want to perform data conversion or not.

image.png (22.0 KB)

If I select “Don’t convert” Excel displays the original data.

image.png (5.7 KB)

How can I disable that data conversion in Aspose Cells when creating the workbook?

You may use TxtLoadOptions.ConvertNumericData to disable the automatic conversion for numeric values. Code example:

            TxtLoadOptions topts = new TxtLoadOptions();
            topts.ConvertNumericData = false;
            Workbook wb = new Workbook("template.csv", topts);