How to draw a line in aspose.cells.LineShape (java) with endpoint on the startpoint left


I would like to draw a line with End Point on the left of Start Point, as attached. Seems addLine cannot do so? what function can be used.



This message was posted using Page2Forum (attachment) from Shapes.AddLine Method - Aspose.Cells for .NET and Java

Hi Kenneth,

Thanks for considering Aspose.

We will support it soon.

Thank you.

Hi Kenneth,

Please try attached version, we have supported the End-Point feature for LineShape and ArcShape, see following example:

LineShape shape0 = shapes.addLine(0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50);

Hi Kenneth,

I am afraid I have misunderstood you requirement in my previous reply, according to you attached picture, you need a line from left-bottom to upper-right corner, please try this attached version and ignore the one in my previous post. There are new APIs added for Shape to rotate a shape, you can create a LineShape Object and then rotate it:

LineShape shape0 = shapes.addLine(0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50);