How to draw graphs in a word using excel data

Hi All,
This is Madhu and I am trying for a solution to put Excel sheet graphs on to word document.
Upto now I am not able to do it even aspose people are helping me like anything.
Now, I want to do it in another way like
I want to keep graphs(which have to generate shapes) in word document and those graphs have to be updated by the data entered in Excel sheet using Java.
Let me explain the procedure
I have an excel sheet, where I can enter my financial information and depending on that information I have to generate graphs(Graphs are already there and just update graph values with the information).
And those graphs have to populate in word document.
I tried to put those graphs from excel to word. But, I am not succeeded.
Now I want to keep those graph tempates in word document and with the data entered in excel the graphs have to generate.
Please help me out.

Thanks for your inquiry. I think you can achieve this using LINK field. Please see the following code:

// Create new document and document builder
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
// Insert LINK field into the document
builder.insertField("LINK Excel.Sheet.8 \"C:\\\\Temp\\\\test.xls\" \"Sheet1![test.xls]Sheet1 Chart 1\" \\a \\p", null);
// Save output doc"C:\\Temp\\out.doc");

Also see the attached files
But note that Aspose.Words does not update LINKfields. So you should update fields inside the document manually (ctrl+A and F9) or you can use macro to update fields. See the following link to learn more.
Best regards.

Hi alexey,
It is not really helpful to me…
Please suggest another way.

I answered the question here:
Please don’t post the same questions twice in the forum.