How to duplicate table rows and keep their formatting

I have to programatically add rows to an user-defined word template. I would like to do with Aspose.Words the same exact operation as in Word: select row, copy, paste. This inserts a row with the same border styles and fonts.
I’ve tried using the Clone and InsertAfter methods, with no luck (cannot InsertAfter).

Dim DuplicatedRow As Node = DocBuild.CurrentStory.Tables(TableIdx).Rows(RowIdx).Clone(True)
DocBuild.CurrentStory.Tables(TableIdx).Rows(RowIdx).InsertAfter( DuplicatedRow , _ 

Can you show me how to accomplish that, or point me to the relevant API ?

Thanks for your inquiry. I think you should use the following code to achieve this.

Dim newRow As Row = CType(doc.FirstSection.Body.Tables(0).Rows(index).Clone(True), Row)
doc.FirstSection.Body.***Tables(0)*.**InsertAfter(newRow, doc.FirstSection.Body.Tables(0).Rows(index))

Or use the following code.

Dim index As Integer = 2
Dim newRow As Row = CType(doc.FirstSection.Body.Tables(0).Rows(index).Clone(True), Row)
doc.FirstSection.Body.Tables(0).Rows.Insert(index + 1, newRow)

I hope that it will help you.
Best regards.

Hello Alexey,

It works perfectly. I had missed how Insert methods works.
