How to embed license file in an assembly


I just bought the enterprise version of Aspose.Excel, and I have a question concerning the licensing mecanism.

Is it possible to embed the .lic file in our host application assembly as an embedded resource? On your website, you suggest to use the following :

License license = new License();

Is it possible to embed the .lic file like this article suggest :

I have tried without success, am I doing something wrong?

thanks a lot,


Hi Fred,

Yes. You can build the license file as an embedded resource. It’s very simple:

  1. Open you project in VS.NET.
  2. Include the license file in your project
  3. In “Solution Exploere” window, right-click the license file
  4. In “Properties” window, select the “Build Action” to “Embedded Resource”
  5. Rebuild your project.

And please check