How to extract the hyperlinks text or url from pdf pages based on

Hi, Support:
Is there any way to extract the hyperlinks text or url from pdf pages based on VB.NET?
As well as ,disabled or remove the hyerlinks?

Thanks for your help!


It depends upon how hyperlinks are added in the PDF document. Are they added using annotations or JavaScript actions? Would you kindly share a sample PDF document with us so that we can test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

please refer to this for your investigation.
Demo.pdf (62.7 KB)


Below is the code snippet to extract the hyperlinks from your PDF:

Dim pdfDocument As New Document(dataDir & "Demo.pdf")
Dim pages As PageCollection = pdfDocument.Pages

For Each p As Page In pages
    For Each annot As Annotation In p.Annotations
        If annot.AnnotationType = AnnotationType.Link Then
            Dim a As LinkAnnotation = CType(annot, LinkAnnotation)
            Dim URL As String = String.Empty
            Dim dest As IAppointment = a.Destination

            If a.Action IsNot Nothing OrElse dest IsNot Nothing Then
                If a.Action IsNot Nothing Then
                    If TypeOf a.Action Is GoToURIAction Then
                        Console.WriteLine(DirectCast(a.Action, GoToURIAction).URI)
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If

And in order to delete/remove the hyperlinks, you can simply remove the annotations from the PDF page:

Dim pdfDocument As New Document("input.pdf")

' Iterate through the pages
For Each page As Page In pdfDocument.Pages
    ' Remove hyperlinks from the page



And another issue is that how to get the screen tip text of the hyperlink?


By screen tip, do you mean the tooltip or title of the hyperlink that appears while hovering the link?

what is the method to get the tooltip or title of the hyperlink that appears while hovering the link.


We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFNET-55684

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