How to find the correct Exchange Server URL

Hi guys,

I’m doing some feasibility study for Aspose.Email. Here I tried some of basic example provided in your site. But I need to know how to find my Exchange Server URL. because in outlook account setting server shows something like “[](”. Just a host name. How to extract URL to same server.

Hi Nayana,

Thank you for considering Aspose.Email.

You can refer to the following steps in order to retrieve your Exchange’s EWS Url. If you have any other query/inquiry related to Aspose.Email, please feel free to write to us.
  1. In the task bar near the clock, “Ctrl + Right Click” the Outlook icon as shown in the attached screenshot. Select the option “Test Email Auto-Configuration” option.
  2. In the opened window, enter your complete email address and password, and press the “Test” button. After some time, you will see the window populated with information about your Exchange server. Notice the “Availability Service:” field as in the 2nd attached screenshot here and use this address to communicate with your Exchange server using Aspose.Email’s ExchangeWebService (EWS) Client.