How to fix obsolete warning message when saving Excel files in .NET

i a getting an obsolete warning message when using saveoptions.
what is the correct replacement for the lines below?

                    If strType = "XLS" Then
                        saveOptions = New Aspose.Cells.XlsSaveOptions(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Excel97To2003)
                    ElseIf strType = "XLSX" Then
                        saveOptions = New Aspose.Cells.OoxmlSaveOptions(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Xlsx)
                    End If

You may please use default constructor without argument to fulfill your requirement as shown below:

SaveOptions saveOptions = new XlsSaveOptions();

saveOptions = new OoxmlSaveOptions();

Here is the program output:


It returns the exact result that you need to set. Please feel free to write us back if you have any other query in this regard.