I am currently testing Aspose.Barcode to generate barcode of 19 digit number. Following is the code that I am trying:
using (BarCodeGenerator generator = new BarCodeGenerator(Aspose.BarCode.Generation.EncodeTypes.Code128, “7894213227000000000”))
{generator.Checksum.Enable = EnableChecksum.Default; generator.BarHeight.Pixels = 60f; generator.Margins.Bottom.Pixels = 0; generator.Margins.Top.Pixels = 0; generator.Margins.Left.Pixels = 0; generator.Margins.Right.Pixels = 0; generator.CodeText = suffixedLoanNumber; generator.CodeTextStyle.Font.FamilyName = "Arial"; generator.CodeTextStyle.Font.Style = FontStyle.Bold; generator.CodeTextStyle.Font.Size.Point = 25; generator.CodeTextStyle.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; generator.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; generator.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; generator.Resolution = 300f; generator.CodeTextStyle.Location = CodeLocation.Above; var bitmapImage = generator.GenerateBarCodeImage(); using(MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { bitmapImage.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Bmp); barcodeImage = ms.ToArray(); } }
Barcode is generating correctly but I want the caption/Code text to start from left and span the entire width of the barcode width.
I have tried left alignment, center and right. Increasing the font size increases the height of the characters. Is there any way to even space out the digits in that number?Capture.PNG (3.5 KB)