When I extract the “From” information from a MapiMessage, is the “sent of behalf of” string included? Or do I have to get this information separately? I need to be able to make sure that I capture this information. Will the following also get this information?
This is how I capture the “From” information:
output = msg.Headers.Get(“From”);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(output)) output = msg.SenderEmailAddress;
I do not have an example test message to use, so attached is a screenshot of what “sent of behalf of” looks like.
Thank you for contacting support.
Please use the code snippet as given below to set the “On Behalf of” information for a MapiMessage instance.
var message = new MapiMessage("From@domain.com", "to@gmail.com", “Subject”, “Body”);
message.Headers.Add(“on-behalf-of”, "onBehalfOf@domain.com");
message.Headers.Add(“on-behalf-of”, "onBehalfOf@domain.com");
Please note, in order to send such message, you need to set-up the "On Behalf Of" permissions to send email on behalf of the specified sending account.
Thanks, Babar.
I am asking how to extract that information from a message that has it. Can you tell me how to extract that information? Also, do you have a test message I could use to try it?
Sorry for the confusion.
I am afraid, I do not have such message. I am currently working on this with the development team, and hopefully soon I will share my finding with you.
Please accept my apologies for the trouble.
Hi J,
We are sorry for a very delayed response. It seems we missed this query somehow.
I would like to share with you that you can extract this information from the message using the SentRepresentingEmailAddress property of MapiMessage. Please have a look at the following code sample for your reference and let us know if we can be of additional help to you.
MapiMessage mapiMsg = MapiMessage.FromFile("Sample Message with On Behalf Of.msg");
if (mapiMsg.Properties.Contains(MapiPropertyTag.PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W))
Console.WriteLine("This email is sent from: {0} on behalf of {1}", mapiMsg.SenderEmailAddress, mapiMsg.SentRepresentingEmailAddress);