How to Get an Image from a 3D Model in a PowerPoint Presentation in Java?

My test PPTX has just one 3D Model object. When I call presentation.getImages().get_item(0) I get the image that represents the 3D Model and I can save that as a PNG file.

However, when I get the slide and the shape (3D Model) it returns com.aspose.slides.GraphicalObject but I cannot find a way to get the image from it. It also doesn’t have any reference to the image that I get from the last step. How do I get an image for a 3D Model object?

This is a code snippet:

Presentation presentation = new Presentation("C:\\Temp\\test.pptx");
IPPImage image = presentation.getImages().get_Item(0);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("C:\\Temp\\image1.png");
fos.close();  // Saved the image. This part is fine.
IShape shape = presentation.getSlides().get_Item(0).getShapes().get_Item(0);
System.out.println(shape.getClass().getName());  // prints com.aspose.slides.GraphicalObject
// Now, I cannot get the image from this shape object.

I can upload my test PPTX but it’s just a simple one slide presentation with a 3D Model object.

Thank you,

Thank you for contacting support. To get the image from your shape object, you can use the getThumbnail method. The following code snippet shows you how to do this:

IShape shape = presentation.getSlides().get_Item(0).getShapes().get_Item(0);
BufferedImage thumbnail = shape.getThumbnail(ShapeThumbnailBounds.Shape, 1.5f, 1.5f);
File imageFile = new File("model_image.png");
ImageIO.write(thumbnail, "png", imageFile);

Documents: Create Shape Thumbnails

@Andrey_Potapov - It works great! Thank you so much for the quick reply.

Thank you for using Aspose.Slides.