How to get block properties, such as hight, slope, length for .NET

Hi. how can i get from the block such properties as hight, slope, length?
изображение.png (79.0 KB)

Hello, could you please attach this test file so we can talk about same values?

ATT (52.3 KB)

unfortunately, this seems to be not easy, because these values are stored deeply in the file. I have created CADNET-8844 to investigate this further.

if i convert dwg to dxf. Can I get properties from dxf?

yes, it will be easier to see where these values are stored and now we are doing the same - inspecting DXF version of this file. Unfortunately, there are reasons that do not allow to get these values now: we don’t have parsing of some required objects, that are helpful here, and we need to understand better how these values are stored in the file.

Hi, here is the example how to get these properties for the DXF format:

using (CadImage cadImage = (CadImage)Aspose.CAD.Image.Load(fileName))
	foreach (CadBaseEntity entity in cadImage.Entities)
		if (entity is CadInsertObject)
			CadInsertObject insert = (CadInsertObject)entity;
			CadBlockEntity block = cadImage.BlockEntities[insert.Name];
			CadBlockTableObject blockTable = block.CadBlockTableObject;

			var ref1 = SearchObjectByOwner(cadImage, blockTable.ObjectHandle);
			var ref2 = SearchObjectByOwner(cadImage, ((CadDictionary)ref1).ObjectHandle) as CadDictionary;

			if (ref2 != null)
				CadAcDbAssocNetwork network = SearchObjectByOwner(cadImage, ref2.ObjectHandle) as CadAcDbAssocNetwork;

				List<string> vars = new List<string>();

				foreach (CadParameter param in network.AccosNetworkList)
					if (param.Type == CadEntityAttribute.Cad360)
						CadBaseObject bo = SearchCustomObject(cadImage, ((CadStringParameter)param).Value);
						CadAcDbAssocVariable var = bo as CadAcDbAssocVariable;
						if (bo != null)
							vars.Add(var.VariableName + " ->> " + var.VariableValue);

private static object SearchObjectByOwner(CadImage cadImage, string reference)
	foreach (CadBaseObject baseObject in cadImage.Objects)
		if (baseObject.SoftOwner == reference)
			return baseObject;

	return null;

private static CadBaseObject SearchCustomObject(CadImage cadImage, string reference)
	foreach (CadBaseObject baseObject in cadImage.Objects)
		if (baseObject.ObjectHandle == reference)
			return baseObject;

	return null;