How to Get Color, Size, Font Name of Text Font from a Shape and TextFrame?

Hi, Support:
What is the method to get text font color/size/fontname in shape and textframeShape based on Apose.slides.dll v23.5 based on

Thanks for your help!

Thank you for contacting support.

I am working on the question and will get back to you as soon as possible.

And another issue is that how to get the background color of a given slide, esp. how to detect the background of the slide is white.

Let autoShape is an AutoShape object. Then you can read format properties of a text portion as follows. Please note that the GetEffective method is used to get actual property values.

' Get the first paragraph.
Dim paragraph = autoShape.TextFrame.Paragraphs(0)

' Get the first text portion.
Dim textPortion = paragraph.Portions(0)

' Get actual format properties from the text portion.
Dim portionFormat = textPortion.PortionFormat.GetEffective()

' Get the color of the text portion.
Dim fillType = portionFormat.FillFormat.FillType
If fillType = FillType.Solid Then
    Dim textFillColor = portionFormat.FillFormat.SolidFillColor
    ' ...
End If

' Get the font height.
Dim fontHeight = portionFormat.FontHeight

' Get the font name.
Dim fontName = portionFormat.LatinFont.FontName

You can also read the default text portion properties set to the paragraph:

Dim defaultPortionFormat = 

The following code example shows you how to get the slide background color:

' Get actual properties of the slide background.
Dim slideFillFormat = slide.Background.FillFormat.GetEffective()

' Get the background color.
If slideFillFormat.FillType = FillType.Solid Then
    Dim slideColor = slideFillFormat.SolidFillColor
    ' ...
End If

Thanks! It works.

And another issue is that how to get the font properties such as fontsize,fontname,fontcolor,fontStyle for each char in the textPortion?

A text portion is the smallest text item, therefore you should read the font properties from the text portion containing the text characters.