How to get font name exactly

I am reading the font name info but I get “SegoeUIVariableStatic-2580000-240000”, but I need the full name as it is in PS: Segoe UI Variable Static Display Semibold.
I am missing the part where it appears if it is Bold, Semibold, Regular, etc.
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Did you try FontSettings.GetAdobeFontName | Aspose.PSD for .NET API Reference ?

This method was designed for this.

Thank you for answering me. Yes, I tried with :
var fontNameLayer = Textlayer.TextData.Items[0].Style.FontName; // return “SegoeUIVariableStatic-2580000-240000”
var fontNameAdobe = Aspose.PSD.FontSettings.GetAdobeFontName(fontNameLayer); //return null
But it returns me null, although style of item has value of “SegoeUIVariableStatic-2580000-240000”

@cristianortegaethofy could you please share the font ttf file with me to make additional investigations. It looks like we can not get the Adobe Font Name in this case.

@Dmitriy.Sorokin Yes, I share you the tiff file (163.2 KB)
Thank you

At this moment we only have the functionality that returns raw font name instead of the display name of font. The dev team will make the investigation and if it’s possible we will add functionality for this.

FontSettings.GetAdobeFontName(“Segoe UI Variable Static Display Semibold”) // → “SegoeUIVariableStatic-2580000-240000”

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