How to get font substitution count when converted word to PDF


I am using JAVA “Aspose.Total.lic” license.
I have a simple requirement, where I just wanted to know that fonts are replaced/substituted when word/slide/excel file is converted to to PDF.

I don’t wanted to use IWarningCallback as it is giving callback for every substitution/replacement (it might cause performance issue)…
It will be good if I get substituted font count as well(not mandatory).

Thanks for your help.


Regarding Aspose.Cells for Java, do you want to know font substituted info without using the IWarningCallback interface? If so, I am afraid, there is no workaround to cope with it without using IWarningCallback API.
Since we check cell by cell to get font substituted details (see the document for your reference), so it has to call the interface.

You may add counter (variable) to get substituted font count by yourselves.

@dnyandevp In Aspose.Words you can also implement IWarningCallback to get a notification when font substitution is performed.

In Aspose.Slides, you can use the IFontsManager interface to get all font substitutions like this:

IGenericEnumerable<FontSubstitutionInfo> substitutions = presentation.getFontsManager().getSubstitutions();