How to Get HiperLink Text in PDF

Hi, How to Get Hyperlinks Text in PDF?

I am trying this code it search only Text not a hyperlinks text.

Document pdfDocument1 = new Document(pathI);

                // Create TextAbsorber object to find all the phrases matching the regular expression
                TextFragmentAbsorber textFragmentAbsorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("ET-NTTYP1485-01-0008.01-E-04-D-01"); // Like 1999-2000

                // Set text search option to specify regular expression usage
                TextSearchOptions textSearchOptions = new TextSearchOptions(true);

                textFragmentAbsorber.TextSearchOptions = textSearchOptions;

                // Accept the absorber for all the pages

                // Get the extracted text fragments
                TextFragmentCollection textFragmentCollection = textFragmentAbsorber.TextFragments;

                // Loop through the fragments
                foreach (TextFragment textFragment in textFragmentCollection)
                    Console.WriteLine("Text : {0} ", textFragment.Text);
                    Console.WriteLine("Position : {0} ", textFragment.Position);
                    Console.WriteLine("XIndent : {0} ", textFragment.Position.XIndent);
                    Console.WriteLine("YIndent : {0} ", textFragment.Position.YIndent);
                    Console.WriteLine("Font - Name : {0}", textFragment.TextState.Font.FontName);
                    Console.WriteLine("Font - IsAccessible : {0} ", textFragment.TextState.Font.IsAccessible);
                    Console.WriteLine("Font - IsEmbedded : {0} ", textFragment.TextState.Font.IsEmbedded);
                    Console.WriteLine("Font - IsSubset : {0} ", textFragment.TextState.Font.IsSubset);
                    Console.WriteLine("Font Size : {0} ", textFragment.TextState.FontSize);
                    Console.WriteLine("Foreground Color : {0} ", textFragment.TextState.ForegroundColor);

Hyperlinks in PDF are LinkAnnotation objects that define areas of the document and actions (links.). You should iterate over the available LinkAnnotations

var doc = new Document("fileName");
var lnkAnnotations = new List<LinkAnnotation>();

foreach (Page page in doc.Pages)
    foreach (Annotation annot in page.Annotations)
        var ann = annot is LinkAnnotation;
        if (ann != null)
            lnkAnnotations.Add(annot as LinkAnnotation);

// Use LinkAnnotation.Rect for Text search. 

and run a text search routine in the appropriate rectangles (expanding them slightly to be safe).