How to get maximum available row count?

Hi, I’m creating a spreadsheet and there is no warning but the number of rows seems to be always trucated to 65535 (XLS). Is there any API method to check the maximum allowed row count?



1) If your Excel file is XLS (Excel 97-2003), your maximum row would be 65536 (this is the last row in the sheet). This is the limitation put forth by MS Excel for XLS file format, there is nothing to do with Aspose.Cells product.

2) If your Excel file is in the XLSX file format (Excel 2007/2010 or newer versions), then you may have much more i.e. upto 1048576 rows. This is the limitation put forth by MS Excel for XLS file format, there is nothing to do with Aspose.Cells product.

Hope, it helps you a bit.

Thank you.