How to Get the Slide Number of Layouts & Masters Using Aspose.Slides for Java?


How to get the slide number of master & layout sildes. In the ISlide class, it does have the getSlideNumber() method which will return of the current slide number. But IMasterSlide & ILayoutSlide does not have this method. Kindly help us to resolve this.

Thank you for posting the question.

To get the number of masters and layouts, you can use the IMasterSlideCollection and IMasterLayoutSlideCollection interfaces like this:

var masterCount = presentation.getMasters().size();
System.out.println("The number of master slides: " + masterCount);

var firstMaster = presentation.getMasters().get_Item(0);
var layoutCount = firstMaster.getLayoutSlides().size();
System.out.println("The number of layout slides: " + layoutCount);

If this does not help, please describe the issue in more detail.

See also: Presentation Slide