How to have a link pointing to attachment

Presently I can have only ICON (Tag or PaperClip or pin or chart) and on click I am able to view the attachment. is there a way to have a text link which will open the attachment on click?

Could you please provide the details of products which you are using? It will help us to provide appropriate reply for the concerned products only.

I am using aspose-pdf-19.3


Would you please share a sample document created with Adobe Acrobat if you are able to achieve these requirements. We will investigate further and assist you accordingly.

FileAttachmentAnnotation fileAttachment = new FileAttachmentAnnotation(attachmentPage,
new Rectangle(x - 15, y, x - 8, y + 10), fileSpecification);

Also Instead of textLink, I want a Icon of Excel


We are afraid this feature may not be available at the moment. However, a ticket with ID PDFJAVA-39036 has been logged in our issue management system for further investigations. We will let you know once any update will be available in this regard.