How to i get text1-text30 from tasks/resources?

How do I extract the Text1-30 fields from each Task? I also need to extract the Text1-30 fields from each Resource.

I have not seen any information about how to extract those fields, can you help me out, please?

This is for MS Project 2007 files.

Super important as all of our project files uses these special/custom fields.

It looks like you had support for Text1-30 in previous versions of Tasks, but I can’t find any reference to it.

Thanks, Steve

Hello Steve,

Support for extended attributes like Text1-30, Number1-10, Cost1-10 and etc is not added yet. It’s currently in development and will be available in the future. We will post additional information as soon as it will be ready.

ok, i only need it for the MPP and i really only need it as read only. So if you get a read only that shows all these properties that would really be useful.

Any ETA of when I can extract the various TEXT 1-30 in resource and tasks?


The feature is under development as mentioned by Mr. Alexey and you will be informed as soon as it is developed.

great and thanks

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 9912) have been fixed in this update.

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How exactly do i extract the Text1-30 fields?

Here is the sample to extract all the extended attributes associated with tasks or resources:

FileStream fs = new FileStream("d:\\mpp\\project4.mpp", FileMode.Open);

ProjectReader rdr = new ProjectReader();

Project prj = rdr.Read(fs);


Task tsk=new Task();

Resource res=new Resource();

if(prj.RootTask.Children.Count > 0)

tsk = (Task)prj.RootTask.Children[0];


res = (Resource)prj.Resources[0];

foreach (ExtendedAttribute ea in tsk.ExtendedAttribute)

Response.Write(ea.FieldId + " - " + ea.Value + "

foreach (ExtendedAttribute ea in res.ExtendedAttribute)

Response.Write(ea.FieldId + " - " + ea.Value + "

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.