How to implement or decrypt the temporary license before we buy

Hello Team,

I am thankful if you can guide me a little bit about free temporary license implementation.

It is encrypted and we are using aspose for java total family api

We are working on core java using aspose java total family

Today we downloaded a temporary license prior to place the order and test the full functionalities.

Please tell us how to implement the temporary license or how to decrypt it.


Please note, a license (type: professional, temporary, etc.) is a plain (text) XML file that contains details such as the product name, developer and company it is licensed to, subscription expiry date and so on. The file is digitally signed with encrypted text, so don’t modify the file. Even inadvertent addition of an extra line break or space char into the file will invalidate it and it will no longer work.

You only need to use the license file and set it in code before utilizing any Aspose APIs to avoid its evaluation and other limitations. See the documents on how to set license in code for different APIs

Let us know if you still have any queries or confusion.