How to impliment on the web

I have downloaded the 3.0 evaluation and loaded the web demo in visual studio 2008. When I run the form fill of the student form it asks me to save the output pdf. How woud this product be used in a dynamic situation where the data is selected from a database and put int to the PDF fields at the time the web page is selected by a user? I would like to navigate directly to the filled page. This page will have different values each time. Dose there have to be a management scheme for the output files for mutiple concurrent web access or can the output go directly to a web page? I also do not want to ask the user to save the file.

This message was posted using Page2Forum from Working with PDF Documents and Pages - Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET and Java


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I found there is some problem in the demos code. You can add the red line to resolve this problem:

case "FillFields":
templatePdf = path + @".\Resources\student.pdf";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition","inline; filename=" + "studentOut.pdf");

//this line should be added
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";

FormDemos.FillFields(path,templatePdf, Response.OutputStream);

We will update the demos code in the future version. Sorry for the inconvenience.