How to import an Excel table into Word with Java

I’m trying to find a way to export a Table created in Excel, and through Aspose.Words, to import it in a DOCX file using the Java language.
Even though the formatting is not transferrable, it’s important to be able to transfer the data from excel to word.

@Zdimitris Unfortunately, there is no direct way to insert an Excel table into a Word document using Aspose.Words. But you can read an Excel table using Aspose.Cells and then rebuilt the table in a Word document using Aspose.Words. Please see our documentation to learn how to work with tables:

Hi @alexey.noskov.
I understand the complication of such kind of implementations. I just tried to see if there is any work around to accomplish similar functionality. It’s absolutely reasonable to involve Excel/Cells in this use case.
So, the solution you provide is absolutely logical, right, and more or less anticipated.
And it certified my Original thoughts.
Thank you for your help!

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