How to include email fields in RenderCalendarEvent MHT

Save a calendar MSG to MHT using MhtFormatOptions.WriteHeader | MhtFormatOptions.RenderCalendarEvent produces something like the following (example):

Subject: 	Test Appointment
Start: 		Wednesday 30 October 2019 11:00 AM
End: 		Wednesday 30 October 2019 11:30 AM
Show Time As: 	Free
Organizer: 	AAA BBB

[Body text]

When saving using just MhtFormatOptions.WriteHeader it produces an email header something like:

From: 		AAA BBB
Sent:		Wed, 30 Oct 2019 08:56:20
Subject:	Test Appointment
Attachments:	Attachment.txt

[Body text]

Question: how to render the calendar fields and email fields in the same MHT? So for example it generates something like:

From: 		AAA BBB
Sent:		Wed, 30 Oct 2019 08:56:20
Subject:	Test Appointment
Attachments:	Attachment.txt

Start: 		Wednesday 30 October 2019 11:00 AM
End: 		Wednesday 30 October 2019 11:30 AM
Show Time As: 	Free
Organizer: 	AAA BBB

[Body text]

Alternatively, is there some way to make RenderCalendarEvent include:

  • Send date of the meeting request
  • Attachments

Thank you


Can you please share source file along with sample project so that we may further investigate to help you out.