How to insert a HTML to custom field?

Is there any way to insert a HTML string to Aspose.Tasks custom field? here is my sample code.

var projectAttribute = project.ExtendedAttributes.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Alias == "MyJourney");

                        if (projectAttribute == null)
                            ExtendedAttributeTask taskAttribute = (ExtendedAttributeTask)Enum.Parse(typeof(ExtendedAttributeTask), "Text1");

                            projectAttribute = ExtendedAttributeDefinition.CreateTaskDefinition(CustomFieldType.Text, taskAttribute, "MyJourney");


                        var taskAttrubute = projectAttribute.CreateExtendedAttribute();

                        if (projectAttribute.CfType == CustomFieldType.Text)
                            taskAttrubute.TextValue = value; //here value is the HTML string


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Hello @srinudhulipalla

The ExtendedAttribute taskAttrubute is created correctly, but it should be added to a task:

// add follow lines to your code
Task t = project.RootTask.Children.GetById(1); // get the existing task or create a new one