How to know License type from .lic file and .Net Framework Version from Aspose.Words.dll

I have licensed version (i.e. of Aspose.Words.DLL.
I have few questions.

  1. How can I know license type from .lic file?
  2. How can I know Aspose.Words.dll is Signed or not?
  3. How can I know Aspose.Words.dll is supporting which .Net Framework?


You can learn about different licensing details such as expiry date by opening your license (.lic) file with Notepad (please do not edit or re-save it that may corrupt the file).

When you right click on a Signed DLL file and go to Properties, you will see following Digital Signature (sha256) added to it.

Also, please refer to the “readme.txt” file included in the same folder where DLLs are located. Hope, this helps.

Thank you for providing these details. It really helps me.

Also, can you guide me on my question 3 to identify .net framework from Aspse.Words dll.


Please try the following code:

Assembly a = System.Reflection.Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom("F:\\Aspose.Words_20.4\\net4.0\\Aspose.Words.dll");

Hope, this helps.