How to limit image size in mail merge

Hi there,
I’m doing a nice mail merge with http images. But some of them are huge. Is there any way to limit the size of the images in the merged document?

Thanks for your inquiry. Would you please clarify what you need to achieve? Do you need to limit dimensions of images upon inserting or you need to limit file size of images?
Best regards,

Hi Andrey,
It is more about the dimensions. Sorry because of my bad English :stuck_out_tongue:


Thank you for additional information. I think you can use DocumentBuilder and FieldMergingCallback to achieve this. For example, please see the following code:

// Open template
Document doc = new Document(@"Test\in.doc");
// Prepare dummy data for mail merge
string[] names = {
object[] values = {
// Add merge image field event handler
doc.MailMerge.FieldMergingCallback = new MergeImageFieldResizeImage();
// Execute mail merge
doc.MailMerge.Execute(names, values);
// Save output document
private class MergeImageFieldResizeImage: IFieldMergingCallback
    void IFieldMergingCallback.FieldMerging(FieldMergingArgs args)
        // Do nothing.
    void IFieldMergingCallback.ImageFieldMerging(ImageFieldMergingArgs e)
        // Create DocuemntBuilder and move its cursor to the mergefield
        DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(e.Document);
        builder.MoveToField(e.Field, true);
        // Insert image and specify its size
        builder.InsertImage((byte[]) e.FieldValue, 100, 100);

Best regards,