How to Make Text Font Bold Using Aspose.Slides for Node.js?

Hi support,
How to make text formate Bold.
I’ve tried this
image.png (10.5 KB)

but getting the below error
image.png (23.6 KB)

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Because JavaScript does not have the concept of a byte, you should use the following code:


Full code snippet:

// Instantiate the presentation.
var pres = new aspose.slides.Presentation();

// Get the first slide.
var sld = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0);

// Add a Rectangle shape.
var rect = sld.getShapes().addAutoShape(aspose.slides.ShapeType.Rectangle, 100, 100, 500, 150);

// Add a TextFrame to the Rectangle.
var tf = rect.addTextFrame("This is the text");

// Get the first Portion of the first Paragraph in the TextFrame. 
var portion1 = tf.getParagraphs().get_Item(0).getPortions().get_Item(0);

 // Setting the font style.

// Save the presentation. + "FontBold.pptx", aspose.slides.SaveFormat.Pptx);
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Resolved. Thanks

Thank you for using Aspose.Slides.