How to make Workbook visible?

Well, I’ve got a problem with Aspose
- I create an excel object and wanna make Excel application visible like in case of Excel.Application object:


So i can see what I’ve got, not saving it.

How can I make visible excel object

Aspose.Excel is a non-UI component. To view the generated file, you should use MS Excel or ExcelViewer.

In a webform application, please use

excel.Save("book1.xls", SaveType.OpenInExcel, FileFormatType.Default, this.Response);

In a winform application, please use


Big Smile

Thanks a lot, it works Big Smile
I’ve got one more question:

Workin’ with Excel.Application object,
I’ve found that the slowest are operations like


Aspose does it faster?
If yes - how much can I win usin’ it

MS Excel automation accesses content based on Range object while Aspose.Excel accesses content based on Cells and Cell object.

In your code, sure Aspose.Excel is much faster. But I don’t have data on the performance differences. You can write a simple program to evaluate it.